
Welcome to Clematis On The Web!


Please bear with us while we work out some remaining issues. If you should encounter difficulties, the old website can still be accessed via clematisdatabase.org

This is the “New” website for COTW! We have successfully migrated to a modern platform that will assure this resource remains available for many years to come. It will allow for easier management and future enhancements as well.

As of Feb. 18, 2024, all of the records from the old COTW should be in this new database.

As of Feb. 29, 2024, the major issues known to us have been corrected:

  • Both the Raised by and Parentage fields in the individual clematis screens are now showing up correctly
  • The Search by Parentage is also working, but may have some inconsistencies with the old database.

As of March 23, 2024, the image for the reverse of flower is now displayed in the individual clematis screen.

We are working to make the two databases match in every aspect.

Thank you for your patience.

If you find an error on the website like a broken link, missing image or incorrect data, please use the contact form below to report it.

The database now contains more than 4000 clematis varieties and more than 4000 photographs depicting over half of them.

Two varieties have been added recently: C. ‘Kasumi’ and C. ‘Hanazono (Hasegawa)’ and more photographs have been added to existing records.

Our apologies, but we cannot undertake to identify photographs, source clematis plants or offer gardening advice.

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We are honoured to have been awarded the International Clematis Society’s “Golden Clematis Award” in recognition of the contribution made by Clematis on the Web to the study and culture of clematis.

As of January 2023 Clematis on the Web is being managed and developed by the International Clematis Society. Our sincere thanks go out to Richard and Ian for their tireless work over the years on this excellent resource. We will do our best to maintain the high standards they established.